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ingame rules

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ingame rules Empty ingame rules

Post by X 0wn4g3 X Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:49 am

Ingame Rules

1. No over-the-top flaming.
I allow flaming to a certain extent then you will need to take it somewhere else.

2. Racism
Do NOT be racist to other players in any way shape or form, It's ok when you are joking around and being like "What's up nigga", You will know when you are joking or not so be careful

3. No Duping.
If you create more than two accounts they shall not interact in any way shape or form, if caught you will be automaticly ip banned.

4. No spamming.
If you begin spamming on my server i will mute/ban you no questions asked.

5. NO flooding.
Use of these programs are illegal kids think its no big deal, too bad i have a anti-flooder so if you start to flood my server will pickup the ip comming from the PROGRAM, No hotspot sheilds or any other program will not block your ip, i will get your ip and soon after file a DMCA report.

6. No cheating/ Bug abuse
If you find a bug, glitch you are to report it to the glitch section, if you abuse it you will be ip banned.

7.do not flame ingame staff
DO NOT talk shit about any staff. if they are abusing go to the report section.

8. Do not try to lag the server.
Your trys are pathetic, i mean come on guys you try all the time but you WILL fail.

9.dont farcast and pray in pvp.

10. dont rush from the bank using veng or stamp.

11. farcasting with prayer is forbidden. but if you farcast and have the prayer off its allowed to farcast.

12.pj and rush with prayer will resault in jail if you dont stop. you dont need to pray if you are rushing someone. if you cant risk it. dont use it.

Breaking any of these rules= jail/mute/Ban/ipban

follow there rules and u wont be muted/jailed/banned/ipbanned.


by X 0wn4g3 X

X 0wn4g3 X
X 0wn4g3 X
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